The Type of Campaign We’ve Been Waiting For

With American democracy under siege and a world in crisis, it is incumbent upon a new generation to step up and help lead us toward a brighter future. What I want to offer is a new vision of what America can be, to provide clarity about what we as a people stand for, and the goals we are working towards.

The Path To True Representation

From the grassroots, we can create a movement that sends shock waves across the country. Instead of an undesired rematch between a corporate lawyer and a career politician, we can change the script and elect someone who will provide genuine leadership to this district.

Making A Statement

Control of the House runs through this district, and the eyes of the political world will be upon Upstate New York. If you want to see younger leaders, union members, people of more modest backgrounds and means at the highest levels of government, we have the chance to do that right here, right now. Electing the youngest member of the House and the first ever rank-and-file member of the Teamsters Union to Congress will inspire similar campaigns across the country!

Changing The Way We Talk About Politics

Rather than repeating the same tired slogans and corporately-created buzzwords that most campaigns use, I wanted to research my policies from scratch, in order to understand the fundamental causes of the issues we face. I’ve attempted to create a guide that anyone can understand, no matter your level of political knowledge.

Substantive Differences

There are very real differences between myself, Josh Riley (the Democratic nominee in 2022), and Congressman Molinaro. I’ve made the choice between us as explicit as possible, to explain why neither of these two are the right person to represent this district.

How You Can Help Win Back NY19

The only way that this campaign succeeds is if ordinary people from all walks of life come together to do something extraordinary. In order to overcome the corporate money stacked up against us, this campaign needs volunteers, advocates, and donations. If you’ve never been a part of a campaign before or you don’t follow politics that closely, that’s okay! This campaign is for everyone

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